
Welcome to the Department of Nephrology, Rheumatology, Endocrinology and Metabolism at the Okayama University. The medical school began on 1870, while our department was created on Nov 1, 1967 and 50th anniversary was celebrated on 2017. In commemoration of 50th anniversary, we clarify “The basic principle; Be always with patients, Overcome diseases by research, and Foster the physician-scientists.” To achieve the principle, we set up “Missions (5Gs)” as follow.
The educational goal is to train future leaders in academic medicine who are knowledgeable in both basic and clinical sciences. It is supported by extraordinary faculty members, exceptional graduate school students and residents. We strongly encourage medical students and residents in all over Japan to join our residency programs and PhD courses to become the next generation of leaders in medicine. Almost half of the faculty members and students are women in our department. We further recommend both men and women get together and they very much represent the forefront of academic medicine by their co-operation. We also welcome to receive the foreign students and researchers who are supported by Japanese Government Scholarship, JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship, and others. In the education, Globalization in a setting of multicultural and ethnic diversity and Gender-Equality are the key words for supreme achievement reaching far beyond the walls of countries.
Another important mission is Genesis of Translational Medicine. Our department has a proud history of research and discovery in the basic, clinical and translational sciences. Currently, talented researchers are trying to bridge the bench to bedside and evaluate the new factors which may be the biomarkers and therapeutic targets.
The final important mission is the comprehensive and innovative patient care for both common and rare diseases. In subspecialty including Nephrology, Rheumatology, Endocrinology and Metabolism, we would like to provide outstanding patient care. The mission is made possible by the co-operation of the patients themselves and responsibilities to social supports. In clinical practice, we keep in mind Generosity to the patients and Gratitude to the society.
We invite you to learn more about our outstanding programs in the Department of Nephrology, Rheumatology, Endocrinology and Metabolism.
Jun Wada, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine
Chair, Department of Nephrology, Rheumatology, Endocrinology and Metabolism
Physician in Chief, Division of Kidney, Diabetes and Endocrine Diseases, Division of Rheumatic Diseases,
Division of Hemodialysis and Apheresis, Okayama University Hospital
腎・免疫・内分泌代謝内科学分野にようこそ。岡山大学医学部は1870年に創設されましたが私たちの教室は1967年11月1日に設立され2017年には50周年を迎えました。50周年を記念して当教室の教室理念は「常に患者の傍らにあり、研究で病気を克服する、そしてこれを実践できる人材を育成する。」(Be always with patients, Overcome diseases by research, and Foster the physician-scientists.)といたしました。この教室理念を実現するために、以下のように行動目標(5G)も設定いたしました。
教育においては基礎科学と臨床科学のいずれにも精通した将来の内科のリーダーを育てます。その教育にはスタッフがあたり、優れた大学院生や研修医をさらに育ててまいります。次世代のリーダーとなるために是非全国の多くの医学生や研修医に私たちの研修医・専門医コースや大学院生コースに参加して頂きたいと思います。当科はスタッフ・大学院生ともにほぼ半数が女性で構成されています。今後も女性にも積極的に参画して頂き、協力することで第一線の医学研究が達成できると考えています。また海外からの留学生も推奨しており、今後も日本政府奨学金制度や日本学術振興会外国人研究者招聘制度などによって研究者を招きたいと思います。教育においてはこのようなグローバル化(Globalization)や男女共同参画・ダイバーシティ(Gender-Equality and Diversity)が国の垣根を越えた大きな飛躍に重要と考えています。
- 和田 淳